Invitation to a consultation event on the Council’s investment in the community and voluntary sector.

The Council Plan made a clear commitment to ‘develop and deliver a new four-year investment prospectus for the community and voluntary sector’.

We would like to invite your organisation to send a senior representative to a consultation event on the Council’s draft plans to invest in the community & voluntary sector in the city. We are looking for your views on the plans.

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Date: Monday 15th April 2024

Venue: Main Auditorium, Brighthelm Centre

Time: 09.45 (for 10.00 start) to 12.30

Space limitation require me to ask you to ensure that only one person comes from your organisation.

To book a place please e-mail the [email protected]

Your Name

Your Organisation

Your e-mail address

Details of any access requirements

We look forward to seeing you on the 15th.

Please note that there will be a Teams briefing on the plans on Wednesday 17th April in the morning for those who cannot attend the 15th event, or who prefer to use Teams for information.

If you would like to access the Teams briefing, please send details as above but specify it is for the Teams event. We will send you the invite.

There may also be an additional in person meeting should demand for the 15th be larger than the capacity of the venue.